"God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change those things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference"

Cherokee Prayer Blessing:
May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Who concerns what?

If spun the right way, any topic can be suitable for any audience. It does depend on interest, demographical, and situational analysis of audiences for some aspects, but spinning a topic the right way can reach anyone. The topics presented for this question prove that. All of them can be argued to a college audience, and only one or two really need to be targeted to a specific audience.

1. This topic could effect where a college student goes to school, lives, works, or vacations. It can also persuade student into action; either studying hurricanes or raising money to help set up precautions.

2. Cancer is a huge topic. I seriously do not know one person who has not faced its horrors, at least second hand. This topic could easily goad students into perspective lines of study, as well as inform them on how to deal with those horrors.

3. In today’s world, everyone deals with weight loss, from those who are obese to those who just want to “fit in.” This topic can help people understand just what heart disease is, all of its risks and how weight loss and dieting can affect that.

4. This topic is one of the not so much ones. It is hard to argue history to a college student unless they are a history major. Most of us students do not care about the past; its over and done and no longer concerns us. If argued from the stance that everyone must learn from past mistakes to prevent future ones and then expand on that, using Japan as an example, the argument may work. But just talking about Japanese history probably would not be that interesting.

5. This topic is a little iffy. Some people my repel the topic right away due to the subject matter and classification roles. In today’s world there are many male teachers, so the problem is not as prominent. Current education students or undecided majors would be the best subjects here.

6. Though not completely true, this topic is worth arguing. College students are more open to ideas of change and if persuaded that others do not hold as much prejudice, may believe it. The topic may offend some minorities though, who do not believe that they are fairly represented.

7. Very much a Yes to arguing this topic!! If college graduates will not be able to get high paying jobs, what is the point of spending so much on a higher education? The options and choices need to be presented and I think that many will go to an argumentation lecture on this topic.

8. This topic is another that would not be so good to argue. As stated before, college students usually do not care about the past or the distant future. Most of us are living in the moment and find it hard think that far in the future. Unfortunately, it is a topic that we should hear about; just most of us would not pay attention. Fossil fuels are confusing and can be hard to understand.

9. I do not believe that anyone really cares about the religions of past presidents. Unless the topic would have some tie into WHY that one presidents religion made such a difference, I do not think it would be relevant. Religion is a controversial topic as is.

10. This topic you would have to spin the right way. People usually want to know about Free Speech and how it pertains to them, but I do not know if many college students care about the political activists. Unless of course they are part of the movement. College is the chance to explore oneself, so I guess a Political Activists speech would go over well, but one that is solely informative would be hard to pass over.

As I stated before, Any topic can be argued to any audience if spun the right way. From how to fight heart disease, to histories of foreign countries, all the way down to fossil fuels, a college audience would probably be the most open to anything. But it would have to be directed to a certain audience. The great thing about college is anyone can CHOOSE to attend, which makes all the difference. The presenter has the guaranteed attention because those people want to be there. It all depends on audience.


Worth Weller said...

well put about "spun the right way" another term for "focus"

KirstenF said...

Very nice Nichole! You did a good job of coming up with reasons for each topic.