"God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change those things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference"

Cherokee Prayer Blessing:
May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Thinking in a Pink Nature

Pink Think - the womanly ideal that strives to maintain femininity in a world of changing times. It is not simply a matter of history, although with the feminist movement, many will try to say such. Pink Think is still a very strong force in today’s society, with a slight change in focus compared to that of the past and the words of the essay.

First of all, Pink Think is shown in a more stylistic view today. Although most girls strive for the beauty of a supermodel, they do not need to be told how to put a swimsuit on step by step. Most of us have mastered the art of perfect cleavage and showing off our bodies, which is what today’s Pink Think entails. Pink Think in the past was concerned with women facing the basic model of calm, kept together housekeeper, mother, and general picture of innocence. Today however, Pink Think strives towards the no-nonsense kick butt kind of woman who does her job well without ever losing the perfectly sculpted physic.

Everything starts, of course, with the blanket. No one can deny that. As soon as a baby is born, he or she is wrapped in the color that will be the determining factor of their mindset for the rest of their lives; blue for boys, pink for girls. Most parents do not even think of it. Instead, they blindly accept the idea of color patterns for babies. And follow it perfectly. Clothes match the sex. Pastels for girls, bolder, sharper colors for boys. And it keeps going as the child grows.

For girls, Pink Think is enhanced by the toys they are given to play with at a young age; Barbie’s, teddy bears, house sets, and romantic stories that all show the beautiful princess getting swept of her feet by a handsome prince. They are given pretty dresses and encouraged to stay clean and neat, helping mom with the house and younger siblings. As a child gets older, those rules are subtly enhanced. Pretty, smart, successful girls get dates to homecoming dances and Prom. And even if not dating, only the smart ones go to college to pursue Barbie’s dream job into reality.

In today’s society, the Pink Think method is all about sexuality and the body image of women. Everyone knows sex sells, so at a young age, sexuality is pushed on girls, making them strive to become that ’beautiful’ model from storybook land. Every women they see is portrayed as a thin, beautiful, successful woman who knows what she wants and goes after it, but still maintains that sexy charm and wit. Not always does this model have a family, but she is always in the foremost of every man’s thoughts. Jobs model this. Lawyers, doctors, secretaries, home cooking gurus like Rachel Ray, everything deals with a successful woman. And whether they realize it or not, most every woman conforms to these ideals. They want to become that super successful lawyer and when they fall short, fall into depression.

The ideal of Pink Think wears thin on society. Most women realize it is there, subconsciously if not consciously. We know we are being pushed towards the sexy ideal, but have no way to counter it. Whatever society expects, we must conform to, or die trying. And it goes across gender too. Not only woman have these types of subcategories pushed upon them. Thus, my coined phrase Gamers’ Think and the subsequent explanation.

Gamers’ Think is the opposite as Pink Think, in a total sex related view. Gamers’ Think plays on the male perspective from birth to adulthood. Where as girls are given soft pink clothes and pushed towards the “cushion” jobs, boys are given solid colors and pushed into the labor jobs or technological jobs. This is where Gamers’ Think is solidified. It all started with the Nintendo and other game systems that came out when we were kids. Boys were given them for birthdays and Christmas and the trend started. Men held the key to beating the bosses and finishing the games, while girls sat calmly watching with their dolls.
As new technology started to hit the market, Gamers’ Think became more of a reality. New games were designed to capture the boy’s normally short attention span and give them a reason to sit and play. Computers enhanced this aspect with games like Final Fantasy and World Of Warcraft that actually require a notice on the beginning game screen due to the addictively of the games. Advertisements constantly grab the attention of the “geeky” boys, telling them to fit in they must play such games where appearance doesn’t matter, as long as they have the best gear in the game and can “own some noobs.”

These types of ideals pull and grab at boy’s attentions to get them to fit in to the crowd. Anything to fit in for any sex. It is sad really. For women, life is seen outside in the eyes of all. Perfect beauty enhanced by the kick ass attitude that will propel them anywhere. Men on the other hand its technology and games. Trying to fit into a world, any world, because they do not meet the ideal male qualities. Both qualities go hand in hand. Pink Think and the newly coined Gamers’ Think are alive and well in today’s society and will remain so for some time. It is all a mater of what our world plays us for, and how we as the individuals of society play into its hands.

1 comment:

KirstenF said...

I loved all of your comments about the Pink Think! Very accurate and interesting Nichole! The Gamer's Think is also an interesting topic (guessing you got the idea from Drew?). I don't really think that EVERY guy would fit into that category as there are many men who follow what I would call "Blue Think" I guess. They try to be as beautiful, buff, and manly as they can be in order to be admired by the rest of the world. They are the ones that make the "game thinkers" need the approval and easy acceptance of the gaming world.