"God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change those things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference"

Cherokee Prayer Blessing:
May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Cell Phones and Kids

It is really funny that this paper comes in the semester when it does. I have an argumentation speech to do in Communications too, at the same time! Anyhow, I looked at all of the newspaper sections and could not find a topic I thought was interesting enough to warrant a paper. All of the articles seemed to be about politics, or news on third world countries. Then I stumbled upon an article about cell phones and how they act on the psychological state of today’s kids. I knew that this article was the one I wanted to do my topic on.

Unfortunately enough, I did not copy the link right away. I searched, found the link and wrote my paper, then did not have the opportunity to type it. When I went back to search for the link, I could not find it anywhere. I remember everything but the title though, and still want to do my paper on this topic. Teenagers and the usage of cell phones. How does it affect their psychological and social development?

Psychology is my passion. My major is child psychology, so when I came across the article about how technology may be interfering with today’s children’s development, I knew it was the right one for me. There are so many things affecting kids today. They have to grow up so fast, and the sad thing is they want it. Due to a lot of technological advances in a short time, kids are getting jobs so they can pay for new gadgets; they are talking on cell phones 24/7, and many of them have shaky relationships with parents or other friends because of it. I want to be able to help these children, and the first step is to understanding why they behave like this. Hence, why this topic is one I like and feel a passion towards.

In my opinion, everyone should want to know about his topic, or at least have a basic understanding of it. Anything concerning the future generations, the “youngsters” of today, should be important and on the foremost of everyone’s thoughts. Especially if the problem is with something as common as cell phones. Every person over the age of eleven usually has a phone in one hand, iPod or music player in the other. No one can know what this behavior could lead to, that is why the research needs to be done.

This is an up and coming field, so there should be plenty of research regarding children and the usage of cell phones. Especially now that every child over the age or probably ten or eleven owns one. Cell phones are becoming the panicle of communication. Because of this, the topic of cell phones and kids relates to everyday life in every possible manner. It is important to know if these common communication devices will harm our future generations. How cell phones usage relates to life and why people should care about this topic go hand in hand. There should be plenty of research, and plenty of people interested and concerned for this topic.

Of all of the topics presented on the three newspaper sites, this one is the one I believe I want to present. Cell phones are a major issue in today’s world, one that needs more research and one that people need to know about. Honestly, how many times do you see a kid, talking on a cell phone or texting while walking, hanging out with friends, while in a classroom, or even when talking in person to another? It is becoming a serious issue and a sad one at that. I can easily see that cell phones are harming the psychological development of kids, and interfering with fostering real life attachments. If this is proven true, then the topic needs to be presented, and soon.


KirstenF said...

This sounds like a great topic for you to do. I'm glad that you are this passionate about your major! You definitely need that passion to stay in the program and to live out the dreams you have of helping children.

Syon Verma said...

OK you do not know who I am but I just decided to look at other peoples blog instead of my own. This is a nice blog and I'll say that cell phones and kids are turning out to be bad you should be 18 or older to use them!