"God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change those things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference"

Cherokee Prayer Blessing:
May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Thinking on a New Idea

I knew right off the bat when I saw the article concerning cell phones and the psychological effects on children that I wanted to dig deeper into that subject. It is just a matter of finding the original article and then jumping in from there. I admit, I was not too thrilled about having to do a fourth post, one that to me seemed almost exactly like the previous one. But I guess humoring really does have its benefits. I found through exploring the OVRC that the topic I chose may not have enough solid evidence to do an entire paper on, as interesting as it may seem.

There is a vast amount of information on the OVRC website. At first, I was at a loss and did not know where to start clicking, even with the help of the document we were to read for class. There were just so many different ways to go! But after a few minutes, I got the hang of it and started searching. It was a matter of rephrasing what I wanted to search.

When I finally began searching, I found more than I figured, only not for the exact subject I
wanted. Most all of the articles on the OVRC have to do with kids and cell phones, but more on the business end. The articles talked about how cell phone companies are trying to target younger generations for the big profits, playing on the popularity theme every young teen and preteen adheres to. Most of the articles were very interesting, and helped me to narrow down my topic.

I found, through exploring the OVRC site, that my topic will have to be tweaked a little bit in order for me to find the information I need. I believe I will have to go the route of how cell phones affect the lives of children and their parents by route of buying, instead of psychologically. There just was not enough information on the OVRC. I hope, in researching other sites, I may find more, but I’m not sure.

Searching on the OVRC kind of threw me for a loop. I had my heart set on doing how cell phones affect children in their development, but am no longer sure I can do that topic. Instead, I think I will have to go a secondary route on how cell phones affect people in general, how they have helped and hindered society. It is a similar topic, albeit not as interesting. I am glad we did have to do the extra post. Now I understand the limits of some ideas, and how extra research needs to be done at times to grasp ideas. Hopefully this topic will play out a little better!

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