"God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change those things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference"

Cherokee Prayer Blessing:
May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Tears From the Sandbox

Sorry guys, you are going to have to stick with me on this one. Right now, I am a little emotional and all the posts I have read have really set me back. That is why my post is listed “Tears from the Sandbox.” Every single blog post I read from the Sandbox this week made me cry, and not just because of my emotional standpoint. They were truly all sad, in some way, shape and form. A little insight on my predicament: My aunt was just diagnosed with acute leukemia and was given a time limit of only a few weeks to enjoy life. This is the sixth time in four years my “family” (blood and friend extended) has had to deal with cancer and the face of death.

This post was about a father who had to send his eldest son into the military. The father, a veteran himself, had just come back from the war front and was reminiscing on how it affected him. This father knows what his son will face and despite all instincts otherwise cannot save the son from war. The man posting showed his true feelings, the tug-of-war he was experiencing between hurt, sadness, pride, and joy. It is touching to note that a military man is not ashamed to cry or to feel for a child who will be hardened by the same experiences. And that was exactly what made me cry. Too many people fly through life and do not give a thought to others. That a father knows what his son will face, but still must let him go through it and does says a lot. The man cannot fight the war for his son, but must accept what his son has chosen; and that is to follow a great man’s footsteps.

This post was the killer. Right know, I am all to familiar with the hospital scene. The tubes and cables coming out of a loved one, hooking them up to all that keeps them alive and all that makes them different - foreign, the family, sitting around and wishing to God that a miracle will happen, and the doctors that go by, hardly even caring to look up. The fact that the RN nurse was the complete opposite threw me for a loop. She cared enough to stop with the family, to ease the pain of a grieving wife and mother who was sitting by and watching her husband fight for his life. She cared enough to share her story. I am not used to that. I am used to impersonal women and men who look through you, not at you. Men and women who pass by and do not care, because there is little to do for the creature in the bed, hooked up to machines. Then the fact the wounded man woke up…it was more than I could ever ask for. I am glad someone got the satisfaction of life out of a hospital. That someone lived and can now lead a life with those who sat by the bed, waiting and watching.


The quote is what jumped out most. “I will do what makes me proud. I will own up to my mistakes and embrace them because they will make the best memories.” I believe this is the same man that posted the rock music on his blog that my other classmates liked so much. Now, I cannot say I loved the man’s music, but I do enjoy his writing. I like it that he has somewhere to rant and say what he means. Everyone needs that. And he is so brutally honest. This is a man who will do what he knows and loves, he will stay true to himself and his buddies no matter what. But, all in all, he will not take crap from the superiors who “know best.” He will never be one of those men who say “yes sir!” no matter what the request. Instead, he will serve his years that he pledged, then go on with his life. He will honor the commitments he has made and get through it alive. I love his spirit, the fact he will live to the fullest. I wish that for everyone: Live your life…it’s a gift that has been given and should never be taken for granted.

1 comment:

KirstenF said...

I admire the strength you've been showing through this. Not only are you trying to stay strong for your family, but you are also still staying up on all of your assignments. Hang in there, you know I'm always here for you! Much love Nichole, all my hugs and kisses!