"God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change those things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference"

Cherokee Prayer Blessing:
May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

GE's Claims of Arugument

I had a really hard time with this question regarding Toulmin analysis of the GE advertisement. For some reason, analyzing the image was a lot harder than analyzing a written argument. I felt like there was a lot I should be seeing, but was missing. As is, I came up with several claims and evidence, but only a couple reasons and warrants. I could not bridge the gap very easily and see what each individual item was. Really, with this visual argument, I did not see any Toulmin terms left out. They did not really concede a point, but in a photograph, that is not necessary. Toulmin analysis basically states that there is a series of claims, then assumptions drawn from those claims that the author makes. I believe this argument is well presented. Here are my claims, reasons, and evidence that I drew from the image.

Claim1: The Evolution is the cleanest train ever made.

Claim2: GE is at the foremost of technology and preserving the environment.

Claim3: Riding in a GE train like the Evolution promotes a healthy environment.

Claim4: Most people who ride trains want to because it is better for the environment.

Reason1: The train goes through nature without disruption.

Warrent1: What does not disrupt the environment must be good for it.

Warrant2: If a train does not harm the environment, then it must be the best choice to ride on.

Evidence1: The environment is very beautiful and peaceful.

Evidence2: The train does not disrupt the natural, endangered birds in their natural

Evidence3: There is no smoke or pollution in the image. No tracks cutting though the landscape either.

Qualifier1: Most other trains do not protect the environment.

1 comment:

KirstenF said...

Good job coming up with claims Nichole! By the way... it is GE for general electric, not GM for general motors!!!