"God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change those things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference"

Cherokee Prayer Blessing:
May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

So many Images, So little Space

http://anothermonkey.blogspot.com/2007/04/old-phone-new-phone.html. Personal blog.

This image shows how cell phones have changed over the years. They were once huge, bulky things that had to have their own bag. Now, phones are slim, hand-shaped and easily hidden. This is part of the huge controversy with cell phones. Because they can be hidden, students are using them to cheat on tests, take inappropriate photos, and other things.

http://www.ehso.com/ehshome/cellphonecancer.php. Environment, Health and Safety Online. Updated Feb. 2008.

This image shows the radiation levels in cell phones, compared to other household and everyday items. It is an interesting comparison. As shown on this graph, the radiation from cell phones is very similar to that of televisions and microwave ovens, which have already been determined to not cause radiation damage. The controversy however, is if holding these radioactive elements, no matter how small, up to your brain can cause more damage that just having the radiation floating around. Although the site I found this information on is not purely academic, it has a lot of information and studies that I plan to use, along with this image.

http://weblogs.jupiterresearch.com/analysts/ask/archives/007174.html Personal Blog, October 2006.

This images shows the extent to which cell phones are being used. When I came across it, I was very surprised. The people of Africa, small, secluded tribes at that, are using cell phones regularly. They even sell cell phone cards and such at common market stores! I plan to use the image to relate how wide spread cell phone use is. Not just Americans own phones. Even the smallest, most secluded African tribe has several phones. There is even talk that Iraq and other such nations are wanting to buy into the cell phone craze.


This image came from a personal website, aimed at exposing the risks of cell phones to the world. Unfortunately, I found the site to be completely biased and no where near useful. All the sponsors did was bash cell phone use, saying it causes cancer, but they did not back up their facts very well. Most of the studies used only show the results saying cell phones and wireless signals are harmful to the brain due to Electromagnetic radiation, but they never concede points. Cell phones can cause damage, but in most case studies it has been proven that the phones only hold small amounts of radiation. The site may be worth more looking into though; maybe some of the links will prove more informative.

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