"God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change those things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference"

Cherokee Prayer Blessing:
May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Visiting The Sandbox

It never ceases to amaze me what people will come up with to make the time they have more enjoyable. The first week of class we had the assignment to explore the Military Blog site and comment on what was seen. This week, we have the same assignment and I have to say, I enjoyed it. It was not as shocking, coming back to the site after already knowing the emotional posts that some of the men and women in our military have sent. This also may have to do with the fact that all of the posts I read were really funny, except one. Hence the first sentence…when left to their own devices, humans will always find a way to laugh and turn an experience into a game.

“The Golden Rules of Care Packages”
This post was very amusing, and even came with a warning label. The author stated upright that his post was going to be a stab at humor, whether everyone got it or not. The warning was well-noted. The author went on to give a list of the things to, and not to, send in a care package for our soldiers overseas. He gave it is such a funny, humors manner that I did not take too much offence, but can easily see where others can. He was rather rude in his attempt, but I believe he just wanted to make a shocking tribute to the rather interesting things that people have sent in care packages. The confusion goes both ways. People who send care packages just want to help, to feel good to help because they cannot or do not want to face the horrors of war. But often such individuals do not know what to send, and resort to the generic brands of household items and puzzle games(the author had a unique view on this…he would rather have the name brands than generics and encourages those who send generics to save their money for “a real house”). What the soldiers may not realize is those are the exact things people who put care packages together are TOLD to pack. My church sends out care packages regularly, and in letters were told to send generic household items and puzzles to help with boredom. it’s a never-ending continuum everyone needs to realize.

Instant Vacation
I have to say this Blog post was one of the best ones I have read so far. It spoke of all the jokes and things many of the soldiers resort to when faced with a boring or hard day. I can honestly see every one of these pranks being pulled: the fake cigarettes placed in various places and offered to other people that blew up when you lit them, the cornbread challenge where people were betting against several men trying to eat a certain amount of chow hall cornbread in set minutes, and the joke maze online where the Exorcist pops out at you. This post got me to laugh out loud at the author’s antics and the way the mood of the entire camp was lightened due to some lighthearted poking fun. Like I said before, it is amazing what a person will come up with in order to have some fun. (link is the title if you would like to read it)

“New and Old Thoughts”
This post was the sad one. It talks of a man and how much he as been changed by what he has seen and had to deal with. One quote from his writing that touched me beyond belief was when he spoke of his thoughts and how he must “sweep them into that black hole inside me where I send memories to be buried for a while.” It is so hard to imagine the things these men and women go through. No one can ever truly see into their lives and views, so no one will ever completely be able to understand why they think or act the way they do. It is incredibly sad that this man had to deal with friends who’s wives left them because they could not put up with a military husband, broken dreams and forgotten promises. He is remorseful and wants the world to change, but does not see much hope. I wish there was a way to give it to him. But hope is of the heart, and he is close to it, he just needs understanding and compassion.

1 comment:

Worth Weller said...

thanks for engaging this assignment so thoroughly Nichole. it's an eye opener, isn't it. Neither pro-war nor anti-war. Just real.