"God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change those things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference"

Cherokee Prayer Blessing:
May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Dangerous World Online

Personally, I never got into all the Facebook or Myspace raves that all of my friends did. I could never see what the sites were all about, and my computer skills were limited at best, so why challenge them? My brother had both a Myspace and a Facebook, as did most of my friends and all of them wanted me to get one too. But I did not want to “jump on the bandwagon” so to say. I was content with talking over the phone or in person, at least a few years ago I was.

If you saw me now, however, you would see that I have both a Myspace and a Facebook, and that I update the Myspace quite frequently. Though reluctantly, I started a Myspace page a few months ago to stay in touch with friends and family while in college. And I believe it is a great way to keep in touch. I can talk to my cousins who live in Texas, write a message to my Aunt in Pawpaw, and talk to my brother who recently moved to Arizona in just a few seconds.

To tell the truth, due to my technology failings, I have not been as careful as I should have been in starting the online Blogging that has become so popular. Reading these two articles opened my eyes a little bit. I am not naïve enough to say I did not know people would post their home addresses or phone numbers, but I did not realize the depth and detail that some people will put into their Myspace profiles. Young kids posting about drinking and sexual activities just to make themselves look “cooler” and more popular. The Blogging on the web has basically become another type of popularity click; if your site does not look cool and attractive, then no one will add you as a friend. A sad statement to make about something that was designed for people to keep in touch, and as a way to express oneself.

Then there are the dangers of the sexual predators online. Too many people view this as a joke and do not take the warnings of adults seriously. But as the articles stated, many kids are subject to the perverts online who take a profile seriously. And the risks of posting online. I did not realize that anyone could read these sties, if the setting was not set to private(and even then I guess there are ways to get around it). This is serious in the fact that a person can lose a job or get kicked out of a university for the things posted on Myspace or Facebook. Honestly, if you think another person can read it, DO NOT write about things that will get you in trouble. It is a horrible thought that something you think is private will become broadcast all over the web, and might possibly cost you a valued position in the community.

I believe these are serious issues facing people today. Everyone blogs, down to the shy teen trying to make friends all the way up to the executive businessman who wants to stay in touch with his/her family. And if the benefits and risks are not understood, serious problems could arise. The issue facing the world today is how to get the word out. No one wants to believe his or her personal space can be invaded; but that is just the problem. The internet is NOT personal space. I know my views have been altered a bit. No, I will not stop using myspace or face book. But I will think about what I am saying before I post now, instead of just trying to make an impression.


Worth Weller said...

yes - these sites grow on you, almost becoming addictive. I get mail on my Facebook account from people I wouldn't know how to contact otherwise. also pictures, etc - it actually beats traditional e-mail all to heck!

BL1ND said...

These online communities are great ways to keep in touch with people you otherwise may never hear from again. However, if someone is silly enough to put themselves in danger on such a site, odds are they would do the same exact thing situations not involving the internet. Too many people are blinded by the lack of the human aspect online and sometimes forget to play by the rules.

KirstenF said...

I completely agree with your sentiments regarding the sadness of people needing to feel “popular” or “cool.” It is sad and a little depressing to realize how much people will do and go through just for the approval of their peers. It’s just plain silly that they think that drinking, smoking pot, and having sex at every chance they get will get their peers approval. It may get them noticed, but not in a very positive light at all and possibly with some very real negative consequences.